Supply chain and logistics
Educating supply chain managers
Leading-edge research advances knowledge in global supply chain management while focusing on issues of practical importance. From procurement, supply networks and sustainability to health care and the intersection of the internet and physical systems, globally recognized faculty bring field insights into the classroom to advance the skills of ASU supply chain management graduates.
Professional organizations
Bridging the gap between the classroom and the industry by providing opportunities for interaction between students and professionals in the field.
- Advancing Productivity Innovation and Competitive Success.
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.
- Institute for Supply Management.
- Supply Chain Management Association.
The ASU advantage
The W. P. Carey Department of Supply Chain Management is consistently ranked in the Top 5 nationally for undergraduate and graduate programs by U.S. News & World Report. Research advances knowledge in global supply chain management while focusing on issues of practical importance, and faculty are globally recognized for expertise in procurement, supply management, operations management, logistics and supply chain performance optimization.
Research centers and labs
- The Center for Advanced Procurement Strategy (CAPS). Advancing the profession of supply chain management through outstanding research, unbiased benchmarking and peer-to-peer networks.
- Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA). $15 million investment from the United States Agency for International Development addresses barriers to development caused by inefficient and ineffective supply networks and increases Ghanaian and pan-African expertise and capacity while also increasing the impact of USAID investments.
- Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA). Advancing the science of supply networks and sustainability management through a focus on studying these contexts through the perspective of complex adaptive systems.
- Frontier Economies Logistics Lab (FELL). Bringing together organizations that are working to develop profitable solutions to deliver products and services to the world’s most disadvantaged populations. FELL focuses on member organization challenges and works to uncover solutions for supply chains in fast-growing, low-income countries.
- Health Sector Supply Chain Research Consortium (HSRC-ASU). Bringing together health sector organizations and academic researchers to conduct research on topics related to the strategic management of the healthcare supply chain.
- Internet Edge Supply Chain Lab. Examining supply chain management at the boundary shared by the internet and physical systems and addressing challenges in industry. The lab also develops collaborative programs with companies, faculty and students, and disseminates knowledge and insights through workshop, conferences and journal publications.
- Knight-Swift Logistics Lab. Educating the next generation of logisticians. The lab provides a place for students to work on projects with firms across Phoenix and gain exposure to technology and real-world issues in the logistics field.
- Supply Chain Management Behavioral Lab. A community of scholars who are interested in studying behavioral phenomena that have real-world supply chain applications.
- Supply Chain Experiential Methods and Applications (SCEMA) Lab. Developing digital and kinesthetic experiential simulations of real-world supply chain challenges to be used for research and teaching.
ASU supply chain logistics programs ranked #2 in U.S.
Internship and full-time recruitment opportunities
ASU Supply Chain Executive Consortium brings industry collaborators togetherto achieve value chain excellence

Supply chain and logistics
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